Darcy Jech
State Senate

An Oklahoma Conservative, In the Fight for Liberty

What He’s Accomplished

Darcy Jech is defending the U.S. Constitution.
He successfully passed legislation to:
• Protect Our Religious Freedoms HB 2648
• Stand for Election Integrity SB 523
• Stop Rioters HB 1674
• Reject Unnecessary Mandates HB 1236
• Ban Teaching of Critical Race Theory HB 1775

Because Liberties Not Fought For Are Liberties Lost

Meet Darcy

Because Liberty is the Principle

Standing for Our Way of Life

Freedom is at risk in America. And Darcy Jech is in the middle of the fight to save it – for his family and yours. He’s successfully passed legislation to:

  • Protect Our Religious Freedoms HB 2648
  • Stand for Election Integrity SB 523
  • Stop Rioters HB 1674

Creating Jobs & Opportunity

Darcy is a small business owner and cattleman who knows that excessive taxes, red tape and regulations choke the entrepreneurial spirit. It’s why he has repeatedly voted to:

  • Cut taxes for Oklahomans HB 2962
  • Reject unnecessary mandates that kill our economy HB 1236

Protecting Our Children

As a father and grandfather, Darcy believes parents should have a say in their children’s educations. He has held firm against radical liberals to:

  • Supported scholarships to give options to parents in educating their children SB 783
  • Increase funding for scholarships to attend better schools SB 1080
  • Ban teaching of Critical Race Theory in public classrooms HB 1775


Trump Republican
100% Pro-Life – 100% Pro-2nd Amendment

Darcy Jech is a fighter for our constitutional rights. He’s a husband, father and grandfather – and 100% pro-life. He’s a lifelong hunter and sportsman who fiercely defends the Second Amendment. He’s a small businessman and cattleman who believes in personal liberty and the rule of law.

Darcy stands for our way of life.

Take Action

Get involved in the campaign to elect Darcy Jech to the state Senate. Volunteer your time, put a sign in your yard or support him on social media.

Yes! I want to help elect Darcy to fight for us!

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